Techie in the Making?

I am not a techie person. Creating this blog was a small miracle for me. I find technology in my classroom is oftentimes daunting and seeing what other teachers are able to accomplish in what seems a little amount of time is quite exhausting to even imagine (even though I am secretly envious).

I don’t like to use age as a factor. My mind just doesn’t seem to find it easy to follow the path to accomplish these tasks without writing down every step. And getting it wrong takes me through what seems a labyrinth to find my way back or to the “fix.”

But be that as it may, I was still asked to be one of ten eductors in our building to go to a technology conference the next two days. Believe me, it was NOT because I do anything outstanding with technology! We were chosen for our different levels of experience. I told my students they chose me from the bottom of the barrel. A bottom feeder! They laughed…

But to be honest, I am looking forward to at least the first day although with some trepidation. I’ve looked through and highlighted several workshops that sound promising. I read them and imagine myself accomplishing great things! I read them and imagine myself as “that” teacher. You know the one.

So with a great attitude, my iPad, and a list of learning opportunities, I am headed into the world of technology! My head is already swirling!

Author: hansonberries

As a teacher of sixth graders, ma special place is my classroom; my home-away-from-home. My first home I share with my husband, our dog Quincy, two cats, and my tortoise friend, Misha. I also have been blessed with a horse named Arjay. We have three adult children and five grandchildren, the joy of our lives. Life is good. I am an equestrian, a writer, a reader, a gardener, and I repurpose furniture.

10 thoughts on “Techie in the Making?”

  1. I applaud that you are willing to step outside your comfort zone. The more you immerse yourself in technology, the easier it will seem. Don’t be afraid to try things. Try what makes sense and experiment. Good luck!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Yes and affirming when you try something new and are able to pull it off. THe best thing is that I know my students will appreciate the effort no matter how it turns out. They are the best supporters and teachers!


  3. You did it! Delighted you’re taking the SOLSC this March.
    It’s hard to learn something new when it isn’t second nature. I totally understand. However, you are making it work. 🙂 You built it and people are coming to visit!

    Liked by 1 person

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