Snow, snow, stay away

I am sorry for my friends in the Northeast hit with this latest snow storm. We had only a few inches here in Southwest Michigan and I am relieved. At this stage of the winter, with spring just days away, I am hopeful that any further storms stay away.

I know that this is a selfish thought. Many of those in the latest wallop wished for it to pass them by. Many here would love to have that snow. They would find happiness with extra days away from work and school. Extra days to enjoy skiing, snowboarding, tubing, and other winter activities.

Me? I am already perusing garden catalogs. planning the vegetables that I will plant this spring. Planning the vacation that my husband and I are taking when school ends in June. I am relishing the longer summer days and the seemingly neverending twilight hours.

Snow, snow, stay away. Come again next winter’s day.


Author: hansonberries

As a teacher of sixth graders, ma special place is my classroom; my home-away-from-home. My first home I share with my husband, our dog Quincy, two cats, and my tortoise friend, Misha. I also have been blessed with a horse named Arjay. We have three adult children and five grandchildren, the joy of our lives. Life is good. I am an equestrian, a writer, a reader, a gardener, and I repurpose furniture.

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