Water, water everywhere?

I spent the day with a group of teachers exploring the Great Lakes watershed and ways to share this vast and vulnerable environment with our students. The lessons and content were interesting and fun and intriguing. We dug in and worked both in teacher mode, sharing sample lessons with our colleagues and peers, then turning the tables and becoming the students.

In the midst of it all, we learned how ALL of the world’s fresh water is at risk and the ways that we can help students learn to be stewards of this important resource.

In my own backyard, I will be making some changes come spring. One of the first will be to create a rain garden to control an area of pooling water when we have heavy rains and installing a rain barrel to help with run-off from our downspouts.

There are so many ways to help preserve our fresh water. Becoming educated is first.



Author: hansonberries

As a teacher of sixth graders, ma special place is my classroom; my home-away-from-home. My first home I share with my husband, our dog Quincy, two cats, and my tortoise friend, Misha. I also have been blessed with a horse named Arjay. We have three adult children and five grandchildren, the joy of our lives. Life is good. I am an equestrian, a writer, a reader, a gardener, and I repurpose furniture.

3 thoughts on “Water, water everywhere?”

  1. Your post reminds me of the importance as teachers to take time to be learners ourselves. Then we can truly teach others. Thanks for the reminder about rainbarrells. It has been on our list of things to buy. This spring it needs to happen.


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