How to Read More Revisited

I found a post on a blog recently and with the permission of the author, Austin Kleon, I am sharing it, along with my own thoughts on the subject.

How to Read More
1. Throw your phone in the ocean. (or keep it in airplane mode)

I can add to this one. Turn off any type of technology that requires your concentration to be elsewhere and is mindless. It will interfere with your reading!

2. Carry a book at all times.

I carry a bigger purse because you never know when you may have moments to sneak in some extra pages. Waiting in line somewhere, sitting in the doctor’s office, etc.

3. Have another book ready before you finish the one your reading.(Make a stack of books-to-read or load up your e-reader)

I have a large pile of books next to my bed. Sometimes I find it frustrating because I don’t have time to read as I’d like to until school ends in June.

4. If you aren’t enjoying a book stop reading it immediately.(Flinging it across the room helps provide closure)

It took me a long time to decide to follow this advice. I had always felt obligated (to whom I don’t know!) to finish every book I started, like it or not. But now I don’t waste the time. Why spend precious minutes in drudgery when you can pick up another book that you can enjoy?

5. Schedule one hour a day for reading on your calendar like you would an important meeting. (Try commutes, lunch breaks, or getting into bed an hour early.

This is a wonderful idea and easier said than done. Maybe on spring or summer break?

6. Keep a reading log and share it. (People will send you even more good books to read)

Another wonderful idea that I have never done. I belong to a book club and one of the women in our group keeps track of all of the books we have read, but I have never logged the books or how I feel about them.

Maybe you have some ideas to add to the list of “How to Read More.”off

Author: hansonberries

As a teacher of sixth graders, ma special place is my classroom; my home-away-from-home. My first home I share with my husband, our dog Quincy, two cats, and my tortoise friend, Misha. I also have been blessed with a horse named Arjay. We have three adult children and five grandchildren, the joy of our lives. Life is good. I am an equestrian, a writer, a reader, a gardener, and I repurpose furniture.

3 thoughts on “How to Read More Revisited”

  1. This is a great post! I’m an avid reader, but was just thinking today about how much less I am reading right now. I think it really is because I spend way too much mindless time on the internet. I could easily get in an hour of reading, if I would stay off of Facebook, etc.

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  2. Yes. Always a big pile of books at the bedside. With no time to read them! I read a blog recently where the write suggested reading at least one page per day. Just one. Then if you could read more, continue on. Eventually you get into the habit of reading more and making time for it. I still have to try to put that one into play.

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